2024 International Multidisciplinary Conference on Social Sciences, Bilingual Education, EMI & AI Applications in Management
主辦單位:亞洲大學管理學院 EMI 資源推動辦公室
協辦單位:亞洲大學管理學院;亞洲大學語文教學研究發展中心;Faculty of Business Administration, Thai Nguyen University of Economics and Business Administration;北京语言大学语言与智能研究中心 ; 中華永續青銀培力協會 CSFPA
Advisor: Ministry of Education, Taiwan
Organizers: EMI Promotion Office, College of Management, Asia University
Co-organizer: College of Management, Asia University, Taiwan; Center for the Development of Language Teaching and Research, Asia University, Taiwan; Faculty of Business Administration, Thai Nguyen University of Economics and Business Administration; Center for Language and Brain-like Intelligence, Beijing Language and Culture University , Chinese Sustainable Forever Power Association
The "2024 International Multidisciplinary Conference on Social Sciences, Bilingual Education, EMI & AI Applications" aims to integrate insights from social sciences with innovative educational strategies. It seeks to explore how social sciences inform and enhance bilingual education practices, the implementation of English Medium Instruction (EMI), and the integration of Artificial Intelligence in learning environments. The conference is dedicated to promoting sustainable, research-based solutions and fostering interdisciplinary collaboration among experts in education, technology, and social sciences.
Possible sub-categories:
- Sustainable Bilingual Education Models: Examining long-term, environmentally and culturally sustainable practices in bilingual education.
- EMI Approaches in Diverse Societies: Exploring how English Medium Instruction adapts to and impacts diverse social contexts.
- AI and Sustainable Management Environments: Investigating AI's role in creating and maintaining sustainable management settings.
- Management in Social Sciences: This area focuses on the integration and application of management within the field of social sciences, exploring how management influence and enrich social science research, theory, and practice.
- Sustainability in Management Educational Policy and Planning: Discussing how sustainability principles can guide management educational policies, especially in bilingual and EMI contexts.
- Interdisciplinary Perspectives on AI in Management: Exploring the intersection of artificial intelligence, management, education, and social sciences, focusing on innovative and sustainable practices.
Conference Theme and Topics:
EMI has been a global trend in higher education institutions. In 2021, MOE (Republic of China, Taiwan) launched the "BEST Program," which aims to enhance English Medium Instruction (EMI) courses development. Under this new bilingual education policy, colleges and universities in Taiwan are encouraged to offer EMI courses. As the BEST program has run for nearly two and half years, instructors, students and administrators alike have witnessed some major changes in pedagogy and experienced accompanying stress and challenges. Hence the organizers notice the need for calling such a conference, given the development of ChatGPT and emphasis of SDGs.
College of Management, Asia University, is ranked the second position in Taiwan by Times Higher Education in the subject, business and economics, and is accredited by AACSB. Here, this 2024 International Conference on Multidisciplinary Bilingual Education and Management will be held on Jun. 14, 2024 at Asia University (AU), Taichung, Taiwan. The conference aims at providing a platform for dialogues and interactions between practitioners and academics in higher education on issues related to EMI, with special emphasis on the six tracks below:
Track 1: English Medium Instruction (EMI) as a Pedagogical Approach in a Sustainable Perspective
This strand features research and/or the best practice in EMI that contribute to the knowledge and skills of English as a foreign language (EFL) within a sustainable perspective.
Track 2: Second Language Acquisition and Interdisciplinary
This strand features research and/or the best practice that address second language learning approaches and cross-disciplinary pursuit, learning outcome analysis, or innovative teaching that facilitate language learning and interdisciplinary learning.
主題3:AI, ChatGPT和科技輔助學習與EMI
Track 3: AI, ChatGPT and Technology-enhanced Learning and EMI
This strand features research and/or the best practice that are devoted to innovative teaching practices with new technology, such as the application of AI, ChatGPT, mobile phones, computers, digital and wearable devices in and out of class.
主題4:雙語教育與大學國際化及 學習成效確保
Track 4: EMI in the Context of University Internationalization with Assurance of Learning (AoL) Outcome
This strand features research and/or the best practice that are devoted to EMI courses/program at universities in their attempt to achieve Internationalization and assurance of learning outcome.
Track 5: Teacher Professional Development and EMI as well as Inter-connectivity Cooperation
This strand features research and/or the best practice that are devoted to teacher professional training in preparing for the bilingual education along with inter-connectivity cooperation. Teachers' belief in, attitude toward, self-efficacy and/or connectivity cooperation strategies in bilingual teaching are included in this strand.
Track 6: Multidisciplinary Research and Other Relevant Topics
We welcome any research or best practices related to bilingual education, Business Management, Financial Management, Accounting Information, Financial Law, Leisure and Recreation, Tourism and Hospitality, Sports, and AI Technology Management Issues, but cannot be categorized by above strands.
** 註冊費/Registration fee:暫時免費/Temporarily FREE
** Style: Paper Presentation
** 摘要格式及投稿
Format and Submission
(一) 原創性學術論著,未曾發表者皆歡迎投稿參加本研討會。
1. We welcome original research which has not been published.
(二) 本研討會僅審查英文摘要,250-400 字為限,內容請包括:題目、作者
2. The conference will review an English abstract. The abstract word count is 250-400 words. It should include a topic, name of the author(s) and the affiliation(s) and 3-5 keywords.
Submission Link: https://forms.gle/gpatUgGMfbomeRef6
Note: Please ensure to specify the mode of your presentation—either physical or virtual—within your submission. Should you encounter any difficulties accessing the submission link, you are kindly requested to forward your documents directly to Dr. Gau via email at lsgau@asia.edu.tw. It is imperative that your email includes a precise subject line: "Submission for the 2024 International Conference on Social Sciences, Bilingual Education, EMI, and AI Applications in Management.
摘要/全文 (optional) Template
Abstract/Full paper Template
報名、投稿連結/Registration 、Submission Link
聯絡我們 contact information:
Tammy Tang 唐玉豫: 2024intlemiconf@gmail.com | Line ID: tammy002
Academic Affairs:
Dr. Li-Shiue Gau: lsgau@asia.edu.tw | Line ID: 0973830623
| WeChat ID: wxid_97hdj0vqskug22
Dr. Feng-En Lo: felo@asia.edu.tw
Dr. Pei K. Lin: linpk@asia.edu.tw
Dr. Massoud Moslehpour: mm@asia.edu.tw
Dr. Pham Thuy Duong (Vietnam National University, Ha Noi - Ha Noi School of Business and Management) duongpt@hsb.edu.vn
Dr. Connie Qun Guan: qunguan81@163.com